Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

This is my hand. Random I know, but as someone who lives in Canada, this is an opportunity that alot of us don't get. This is my hand, on the wall of St. James Palace in London, England.

I went to London in October of 2006. I spent all of 48hrs there. But boy did I make the most of my time. I touched down and I set off running. On day one I went to Westminster Abbey, and St. Paul's Cathedral. I did the guided tour at Westminster, and the recorded one at St. Paul's. On the spur of the moment and because I had time I decided to climb the 259 steps from the ground level to the whispering Gallery. It was impressive, except that as I was in London on my own I had no one to whisper too. So I figured I had made it this far let's keep going (who knows when I would make it back. So I climbed to the Stone Gallery which is 378 steps from ground-level. Since I had made it this far I was more then half way to the very top so why stop now. Onwards and upwards I say! so a total of 530 steps later and I was at the top! I had to take breaks, use my puffer, but It was worth it and if I ever got to go again, you bet your @$$ I would be up those stairs!

I did wander around London that night looking for food. Sure enough I went in the wrong direction! Luckily I had a friend who let me play one of her board games before I went. It's called the London Game and is a map of the underground. So I did not freak out being in a new city by myself totally lost. I just looked for the metro! Found the stop and said oh, Monument that's on the circle line, It goes to Westminster abbey! I know exactly where I am! And there was a McDonald's right across the water so I can go get food! Only when I got to the door, they were just locking it! Luckily I found another one not to far away and had a very late dinner, then went back to the hostel to get some much needed sleep.

The next day I went on the London Eye! It is worth every penny you spend. If you book in advance make sure you get the Fast track ticket. You get to skip the Long Line! and you get a guide in your pod with you to tell you all about the city!

I then took the red bus from the eye to Madame Tussauds. This was an added bonus as I had not planned to go on the bus tour. But I had time to kill, thanks to pre planning & ticket buying. I did a whirl though Madame Tussauds and so want to go back. I think there is so much more then I saw in there. But I did find me a little Pirate booty....

I then hopped the tube to Buckingham Palace. Let me tell you. That balcony is nothing like what I thought it would be. In fact at first I did not even see it.

Please note not my picture. I got it on google. but really with out any banners the balcony is hard to spot. I did go in to the art gallery and saw the Queen Mothers personal Art exhibit that was on. I then walked down the Mall. That's where I touched St. James Palace! It was awesome! I at nachos in a tex Mex restaurant. Then went back to pack and sleep.

I had a whirl wind trip, It was a blast. I would do It again only next time I plan to stay much longer then 48 hours!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Money, Cash, Bucks, Moolah, Bread

We all need it. We all want it. Some of us have lots, some have very little, and it sadly is what makes the world go round. Surprisingly it also burns a hole in my pocket. At least that's what my mom ALWAYS used to say to me. Money Burns a hole in your pocket. And you know what, Mom was right.

I have to say spending money is one habit I wish I did not have. I wish I was more like my sister who saved her money. More like my Grandpa who really saved his money.

I get cash and then it's gone. When I have a goal to save towards I manage to do it. If I can do it without thinking about it, even better. So I am slowly working on it.

I have a Canada Savings Bond. Every week the money comes off my pay before I even see it. Out of sight out of mind. Literally, I don't miss it cause I don't know I have it.

It's the money I do get that's now the problem. I hate cooking for one. I would rather spend my time doing other stuff. Which is funny cause I love to cook, and bake. I just don't do it.

I've been following a blog for over 2 years now about living frugally. It's by a lady in British Columbia, Kerry Taylor It's Canadian!!

It's got all sorts of great advice, worksheets, recipes. Now if only I could follow them. I have my coffee maker at work so I don't have to buy it. I eat my cereal here at work too (most days) I have my savings bond. I work 2 jobs, ( should probably work more hours at the other one.) But I still spend Money.

I need to work on it. I only have 4 months left on my contract. I just bought a car. I want to go on vacation. I like having cash!

So yeah that's the one Habit I am working on changing! I'm gonna turn it into a new habit. SAVING, cause I need cash if I'm gonna do what I said I wanted to do on day 3. Visit my friends, so now I have a goal, hopefully saving will be easier knowing what it is I want. I guess I better head over to Squawkfox and use that budget making worksheet!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

WOW I was so waiting for this day. A picture of me and my friends. I new when I read the list which picture I was going to use. No Questions, its the one I see every day. It's my desktop at work. It sunny, with water, a lighthouse (I love lighthouses) and its from my vacation. See the last 2 years I've gone on vacation in May to Miami and boarded a boat with 2000 of my dear friends, OK well I may not know all 2000 but hey we are all there for one thing and one thing only, or maybe 5! NKOTB yes the boys of our childhood dreams. New Kids On The Block! Danny, Donnie, Jordan Jon & Joe, on a boat for 4 days with us! It's some of my favorite times. It's something I will always remember.

It's the reason I have 3 of these friends. See the first year I went on the annual cruise, there was a pre-cruise concert. Standing in line my friend Fitzy and I met 3 of the most amazing people. There's Shauna, Lizzy, & Jackie. We had an amazing time that night, and on the boat, though we didn't see too much of each other that year. But once we were back home... Hello Twitter it is amazing what you can do with 140 characters, you can build the most amazing friendships.

Over the course of a year, with Twitter, e-mails, and facebook, we became close, we are each others support network, listeners, advice givers, shoulders to cry on, person to rant to. We have moved across country and back, weathered floods, new jobs, interview, boys, concerts, and cruise bookings. I am so glad I have these 3 in my world. I can't imagine what life would be like if Wendy and I had gotten into line 10 minutes earlier or later. Where would I be?

Lets just say the reason I went back on that cruise had nothing to do with those 5 very hot amazingly talented men, NOPE, It was all about my girls! I wanted to see them, we're spread across 2 countries, 140 characters does a lot but being on the boat sure beats it.

So am I going again? No sadly my budget does not allow for this. But I along with Shauna (OK i have not asked but I am sure she will be) Will be with them in spirit. I know they are going to have a blast. They will send me pictures after they get home. If I am lucky I may even get a post card. (Hint Hint) Shauna and I will spend the weekend sending each other 140 characters of fun filled tweets, pictures to bring back memories, and listening to all our favorite songs!

I may not be on that boat with them but I will be saving up my money. Cause I need to plan my next trip down south. Granted it won't be as far as Miami, but It will be to a place I've never been, and it will be exciting, and it will involve my favorite Twins. So New York better get ready cause It's a lot closer, and will cost me lots less.

Then I'm gonna have to figure out, exactly how long does it take to drive from Ottawa to Wyoming? With a stop in Jersey on the way!! Cause you know we will need a reunion sometime sooner rather then later!