Money, Cash, Bucks, Moolah, Bread
We all need it. We all want it. Some of us have lots, some have very little, and it sadly is what makes the world go round. Surprisingly it also burns a hole in my pocket. At least that's what my mom ALWAYS used to say to me. Money Burns a hole in your pocket. And you know what, Mom was right.
I have to say spending money is one habit I wish I did not have. I wish I was more like my sister who saved her money. More like my Grandpa who really saved his money.
I get cash and then it's gone. When I have a goal to save towards I manage to do it. If I can do it without thinking about it, even better. So I am slowly working on it.
I have a Canada Savings Bond. Every week the money comes off my pay before I even see it. Out of sight out of mind. Literally, I don't miss it cause I don't know I have it.
It's the money I do get that's now the problem. I hate cooking for one. I would rather spend my time doing other stuff. Which is funny cause I love to cook, and bake. I just don't do it.
I've been following a blog for over 2 years now about living frugally. It's by a lady in British Columbia, Kerry Taylor It's Canadian!!
It's got all sorts of great advice, worksheets, recipes. Now if only I could follow them. I have my coffee maker at work so I don't have to buy it. I eat my cereal here at work too (most days) I have my savings bond. I work 2 jobs, ( should probably work more hours at the other one.) But I still spend Money.
I need to work on it. I only have 4 months left on my contract. I just bought a car. I want to go on vacation. I like having cash!
So yeah that's the one Habit I am working on changing! I'm gonna turn it into a new habit. SAVING, cause I need cash if I'm gonna do what I said I wanted to do on day 3. Visit my friends, so now I have a goal, hopefully saving will be easier knowing what it is I want. I guess I better head over to Squawkfox and use that budget making worksheet!
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