Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Twitter in French

Part of my job is to track media related to our Program. I am also responsible for having translations of documents done. So I get newsletters from Canada's Translation Bureau, today's had an interesting article, you see living in Ottawa, everything is bilingual, so I at 35 am back being a student for 2 hours a week taking french. I am also a gazouilleuse! Yes that's right, I am one as a) I'm female & B) I gazouiller


The Translation Bureau recommends using the following terms:

That's right, I tweet, therefor I am a Twitterer! Are you?

If you are make sure you partager un gazouillis with this Blog post!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

OK so it's taking me more then 30 days to do this blogging. But that's OK, I'm doing this for fun.

So my favorite super hero, as in a comic? I was never much for comics as a kid. It just was not my thing, sure I watched spider man, and superman cartoons. I also watched Hercules, and I would have to say he was my fave. But now I am a grown up and I have a new super hero, yes it's from a comic. No you have probably never heard of him. If you have we can have a nice long talk all about him and QAF. Heck we can watch the whole series at my place if you want, I have all 5 seasons. So who is this masked man? Why none other then RAGE, yes RAGE Gay Crusader, Saving all the people of Gayopolis.

Why is he my super hero?
1) Hello Have you seen him?

2) He has 2 amazing sidekicks Zepher & JT (sorry no pics of them)

3) He helps those who need their own Super Hero the most! The GLBTQ

4) and did I mention how hot he is? Well he is based on Gale Harold so that goes without saying!

YUP, Rage is most certainly My favorite Super Hero, and he can come and rescue me any day!!